Sunday, December 1, 2013

Rainbows After the Storm

My beautiful classroom flooded last week. It was hard to "Keep Calm" as so many t-shirts and posters suggest. I'm mostly all moved now...into a REAL classroom. Eeek!

What the Teacher Learned: Rain gives us rainbows.

Most of these people are awesome everyday. I even got to meet some new awesome people. But in any case, thank you to...

Ms. Thomas for keeping her cool and taking her personal time to see to this matter.
Mr. Draper for sopping up water as it kept pouring.
Jay for doing the brunt of the wet clean up.
Mr. Soria & Mrs. Villa & two super students for rushing to the aid of my spilt, wet teaching materials.
The Think Together lady for giving us shelter at a moments notice.
Unnamed Teachers who took "overly helpful" students at a moments notice and offered to help me move my stuff.
Tony for helping me remember that everyone has their own special talents.
Tammy & Henry the two most patient and hard working movers ever.
Sophia & William for going with the flow.