Does your school use Accelerated Reader? Have you learned how to set goals for your students? It's so easy! First, students need to take the STAR test on AR. Then, simply go into "Goals", click on a few boxes, and voila...goals set! Each student will have a different point goal based on their STAR reading level and the number of minutes per day you want them to be reading.
Here comes the fun part. Once you set your students' goals you can begin tracking their progress. For the first nine weeks of school I gave students a popcorn kernel (cut out of yellow construction paper) to glue on their card each time they reached 25%, 50%, 75%, etc... of their goal. Students with 75% or more at the end of the nine weeks got a popcorn party. I decorated the pocket chart with little popcorn holders that I found at Smart and Final.
For the next nine weeks of school, students will earn a "marshmallow guy" for each increment of 20% of their goal that they achieve. Can you see the "marshmallow guy"? He's in "whipped cream". Students that reach 80% or more of their goal get a hot cocoa party. Yum!
What the Teacher Learned: Food is a good motivator!
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